What you'll find in this free preview

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  • 1

    Introduction to the EQ-i 2.0® & EQ 360® certification program (± 6 min)

    • Quick question before you start

    • What you can expect from this certification program (± 2 min)

    • Meet Mélanie, your EQ-i 2.0® & EQ 360® Master Trainer (± 2 min)

    • Course outline (± 2 min)

  • 2

    What is the EQ-i 2.0®? (± 8 min)

    • The EQ-i 2.0® (± 2 min)

    • Download an EQ-i 2.0® individual sample report (Workplace version) (± 2 min)

    • Download an EQ-i 2.0® individual sample report (Leadership version) (± 2 min)

    • Download an EQ-i 2.0® group sample report (± 2 min)

  • 3

    What is the EQ 360®? (± 4 min)

    • Download an EQ 360® sample report (Workplace version) (± 2 min)

    • Download an EQ 360® sample report (Leadership version) (± 2 min)

  • 4

    You've got questions? We've got answers! (± 5 min)

    • FAQ's (± 4 min)

  • 5

    What's next?

    • Before you go

    • Our upcoming EQ-i 2.0® & EQ 360® certification dates

Discounts for ICF members

Alievo™ offers ICF members a 10% discount on the purchase, at regular price, of one or more psychometric tool certification programs.

Access EQ-i 2.0® & EQ 360® Materials

We've put together the most requested information on these tools. Let us know if you have any questions, we're here to help!

Did you know? We also offer private offerings!

Let us create a learning experience specifically for you and/or your group. Send us an email and we will be happy to discuss you training needs!