Alievo™ closed its doors in December 2024

We would like to thank our customers for their trust over the past 7 years.

Technical Support and MHS Certificate of Completion

  • If you have any issues and/or questions related to your Talent Assessment Portal (TAP), please contact Multi Health Systems Inc (MHS):

    – Technical support: [email protected]

  • For token purchases, general questions or to obtain a copy of your EQ-i 2.0®, CSI®, ISI™ and/or HRG® certificate:

    – Customer Service: 1-800-268-6011 [email protected]

Ally + evolve = Alievo™

As simple as that!

It all started with our co-founders, Mélanie Lacroix and Mylène Beauchamp, and their shared belief that by joining forces, our skills, our strengths and our talents do more than just add up, they multiply. From there, Alievo™ was born.

Over the years, we've met passionate change makers, just like us, who believe that transformation and evolution in the workplace can be fueled by emotions and emotional intelligence skills development. Together, we create learning experiences with the intention to (no less!) change the world!
Mylène Beauchamp and Mélanie Lacroix, Co-Founders os Alievo

Our founding values guide our decisions and actions. They are also the foundation of our corporate culture.

We change the world with passion through the development of emotional intelligence skills. We always seek to create synergy through open and authentic collaborations. We strive for excellence in everything we do. We lead, work and act with integrity.