Last Updated: January 2023

Terms of Use

Alievo™ ("we," "us," or "our") is a privately owned company whose mission is to develop emotional intelligence (EI) skills to optimize well-being and performance at both the individual and organizational levels. 

The use (visit, and/or browsing) of our website (, our social media pages (including YouTube and LinkedIn) as well as the Alievo™ Institute (collectively, the "Sites"), are governed by these terms of use (the "Terms"), which include and incorporate our Privacy Policy.

For purposes of these Terms, "you," "your," "yours," or "user" means any person who visits or uses our Sites. Alievo™ maintains its Sites, learning activities, news and events, and newsletters (as hereinafter defined) for user use subject to acceptance of the following Terms. Please read these Terms carefully before using our Sites. Use of our Sites indicates acceptance of these Terms and constitutes an agreement between you and Alievo™. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use our Sites.

By using our Sites, you guarantee and represent that: 


The use of some of our tools and other online services is governed by their own terms and conditions and privacy policies:

Terms of use of the website:                                          

Privacy Policy:



(© 2012, ALIEVO™. All rights reserved.)

Alievo™ and certain other brands, trademarks and service marks are trademarks of Alievo™ and its affiliates. The Sites are the exclusive property of Alievo™. We own the intellectual property rights in the underlying HTML, scripts, software or software components incorporated into the Sites or have obtained permission from third party licensors to use them.

Our Sites allow you to access Content and information about activities, events and courses offered or suggested by Alievo™. Our Sites may also allow you to register and participate in activities, events and courses (as defined below).

The Content that may be posted, viewed or downloaded from the Sites (including, but not limited to, text, documents, articles, graphics, images, logos, videos, news, video clips, audio clips and other files) but excluding your Materials (as hereinafter defined) (collectively the "Content") are copyrighted and are the exclusive property of Alievo™ or of third parties authorizing us to use them. Alievo™ provides various materials, information, quizzes, tests, questions, articles, news and other information on its Sites, learning activities and related sites. Alievo™ allows each user to view and download a copy of the materials. Documents may be downloaded and up to one copy of the documents may be printed provided that users do not make any modifications to the documents and that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original documents on all copies of the documents. Users are not permitted to modify the Content of its Sites in any way, or to reproduce, share or distribute it. Users agree to maintain the confidentiality of all Materials and not to sell, auction, loan, rent, lease, give, describe, summarize or otherwise disclose the Materials or their Contents to any other person or entity. Any violation of these Terms of Use automatically terminates your authorized use of our Sites and may be subject to legal action.

You therefore acknowledge that by using our Sites, you will not acquire any ownership rights whatsoever over them or their Contents. The rights expressly granted to you by these Terms are strictly limited to the limited license of use that immediately follows.


Our Sites are free to use. Access to our Content is generally free, subject to some fee-based Content, which may be suggested and optional to you, and may include third-party Content or services.

Learning activities, events, and training programs (collectively "Alievo™ Courses") are valid and available for as long as they are offered on our Sites unless otherwise noted. From our calendar of events or from the page on our Sites dedicated to it, you may register for an Alievo™ Course by adding it to your shopping cart, proceeding to checkout (the "Order"), and completing the online registration form, if applicable.  We hold the right to deny any request to register for Alievo™ Courses, in our sole discretion. We may turn to third parties to provide Alievo™ Courses.

Activities will not be recorded for subsequent viewing. If the activities were recorded, they would be recorded for research and development purposes by Alievo™. If so, the individuals participating in the activity would be notified and only Alievo™ officials would have permission to view them for the purpose of developing educational content.

When placing an Order, you will have the opportunity to check its Content and price in detail and, if necessary, to correct the information before payment. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of any Order thus placed.

Terms and Conditions of Payment

Payment for Alievo™ Courses is due in full when you place your Order unless otherwise specified. Payments are made by credit card only (Visa, Mastercard and American Express).   Alievo™ uses secure third-party payment services. Confidential credit card information (16-digit number, expiration date and CVC code) is transmitted directly encrypted to our third-party service provider's server and Alievo™ does not have access to this information.

Cancellation by the User and Refund

All cancellation requests, postponements and refunds must be emailed to [email protected]. Refund requests accepted by Alievo™ shall be made via the payment method used to place the Order within 30 days of your request. Transaction fees related to the payment method used by the customer as well as transaction fees incurred to make the refund will be deducted from the refunded amount.

For Alievo™ Courses that run over time and include various workshops and activities ("program," "pathway," "certification"), no refunds of registration fees are available once programs have begun.  If you need to cancel your participation from or after the start of your program, you may either:

If you need to cancel your participation before your program begins, you can either:

For all other Alievo™ Courses, if you cannot attend, you can either:

For professional practice development activities held in the context of the Alievo™ EQ-i 2.0® Community of Practice, no refunds apply.

Cancellation by Alievo™ and refund

In the event that an Alievo™ Course is cancelled by Alievo™, you may either receive a full refund, request a credit, or choose to reschedule your participation to a future session, and that is if the Alievo™ Course schedule permits.



To use some of the Sites, you may, but are not required to, register with Alievo™ and create a user account (the "Account") by providing us with your full legal name, a valid email address, a mailing address, a telephone number and any other information indicated as necessary, and creating a password.

Creating an Account may be required when you wish to register and participate in certain Alievo™ Courses.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account login credentials. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to maintain the security of your Account and password.



You acknowledge that we will use the email address you use or provide when you open your Account or update from time to time as our primary method of communication with you. By creating an Account, you agree to receive communications from us via email and messages on your Account notification centre.

Where applicable, we make it easy for you to unsubscribe from our promotional communications (such as our newsletter) through an opt-out mechanism as well as through the user settings page of your Account.



Our Sites may allow you to chat with our trainers and other speakers and with other users and include messaging features that allow you to upload and share text files, images, audio clips, video clips, and any other form of files (collectively, your "Documents"), including when you participate in Alievo™ Courses. When you upload or share your Documents, they may be accessible to other users and may not always be removable.

All activities on the Sites in connection with your Account and all your Documents are your sole responsibility. You are responsible for compliance of your Documents with these Terms, applicable laws and regulations and assume all risks associated with your Documents. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permission to use your Documents and that they are free of anything that is illegal, false, intentionally misleading, defamatory, or infringing on the rights of any third party.

Alievo™ is not responsible for the Documents you upload or make available to other users of the Sites. Alievo™ does not endorse the Documents uploaded and posted by users and does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, reliability, or integrity of the Documents. Accordingly, Alievo™ will not be liable under any circumstances for the Documents, including, but not limited to, any errors they may contain, or for any loss or damage resulting from their direct use. We have no obligation to monitor our users' Documents, but we may do so.

By sharing or uploading Documents, you grant Alievo™ a perpetual license to use, host, reproduce, distribute and display your Documents limited to what is reasonably necessary to provide and improve the Sites for you, and to render other services to you where applicable.



Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, we have no obligation to monitor or remove from our Sites Documents that may infringe the intellectual property rights of others. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Documents do not infringe the intellectual property rights of others. We will not be liable for any damages caused by you to any person or entity as a result of your infringement of another's intellectual property rights.

If you believe that any Documents constitute copyright infringement or that the intellectual property rights of any third party have been otherwise violated, you must notify us immediately.



Links to external websites are provided solely for your convenience.  Alievo™ has not reviewed all of these external websites, does not control them, and is not responsible for them or their Content. Please note that your use of these third-party sites and services and their Content will be governed by their respective terms of use and privacy policies. The availability of third-party services or their integration with our Sites does not constitute or imply an endorsement, authorization or affiliation of any kind by or with us. If you decide to access any of the external websites linked to our Sites, you do so entirely at your own risk.

In addition, the Sites may include links to third-party websites, applications, and other services. If you use these links, you will leave our Sites.



The Sites are designed to allow you to communicate and/or share Documents with other users of our Sites and with our professional trainers and coaches. We have no obligation to monitor your activities and the Documents you share, but we may do so. To ensure that the Sites remain a safe place for all users, you agree to abide by the following rules of conduct.

Do not organize, participate in or encourage harassment of others. Harassment will not be tolerated in any form, including, but not limited to, harassment based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, size, race, age or religion.

These rules of conduct are not intended to be exhaustive, and you further agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing your use of the Sites. We reserve the right to determine what conduct we consider to be a violation of these Terms or an inappropriate use of our Sites, and to take any action accordingly.



We reserve the right to review, monitor and record any activity on the Sites at any time without notice. We exercise this monitoring discretion to prevent misuse of the Sites and to enforce these Terms against users who fail to comply with them, which may result in us taking any of the following actions: issuing a warning to you, deleting any of your messages to other users, deleting all or part of your Documents, temporarily or permanently suspending your Account, terminating your Account, prohibiting access to and use of all or part of the Sites, or disclosing your information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably deem necessary, subject to any other rights and remedies we may have.

You waive any claim resulting from any such action taken by Alievo™ in the exercise of our discretion to monitor the use of our Sites and you release us from any liability in connection therewith.

We may also monitor use of the Sites in order to optimize the Sites, understand what is of interest to our users, and improve the operation of the Sites or ensure their availability.


We reserve the right to modify, update or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Sites or any portion thereof, or to deny, limit or terminate your right to use the Sites, at any time, without notice and in our sole discretion. 

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Account at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, your violation of these Terms.



Your use of the Sites and the Content you are permitted to view or download from the Sites is at your own risk.

We provide the Sites and their Content "as is" without warranty or condition of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, reliability, title, accuracy, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or that the Sites, their Content, and the Alievo™ Courses will meet your needs and expectations. Alievo™ may make changes to the Content of this site, or to the services and prices described herein, at any time without notice. In addition, while Alievo™ strives to provide you with the best user experience possible, we cannot and do not guarantee that the Sites and their Content will always be secure or error-free, or that they will always operate without interruption, delay, or imperfections. We also make no warranties of any kind with respect to the viewing or use of any third-party Content or services that may be posted on or accessible from the Sites.

The foregoing limitations and exclusions of warranties apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.



In no circumstances will Alievo™ (its officers, directors, members, employees, agents and licensors) be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential, including loss of anticipated profits or earnings, loss of business opportunities, business interruption, loss of data or other business information and the cost of recovery thereof, that may result from your use of or inability to use the Sites and the Content available to you to view or download from the Sites, or from your participation in Alievo™ Courses, whether based on warranty, breach of contract or tort claims, and regardless of whether you have advised us or we have advised you of the possibility of such damages. If your use of the materials or information on this site results in the need for servicing, repair, or correction of any data, you assume all costs thereof.

The foregoing limitations and exclusions of liability apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.


You agree to compensate and release Alievo™ (its officers, directors, members, employees, agents and licensors) from any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, fines, penalties or costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable legal and accounting fees) that may arise or result from your use of or inability to use or access the Sites and the Content that may be viewed or downloaded by you from them.



Governing Law. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec and Canada’s federal laws applicable therein, without regard to conflict of law principles. You agree that any dispute relating to your use of the Sites shall be submitted exclusively to the courts of the District of Montreal (Province of Quebec). Alievo™ may assign its rights and obligations under the Terms of Use without notice to any party at any time. 

Transfer. These Terms may not be transferred by you to any person or entity. Subject to this restriction, these Terms will be binding, enforceable and conclusive upon us and your respective successors and assigns.

Severability. The provisions of these Terms shall be considered separately, and if any provision hereof shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Terms shall be deemed to be effective as if such provision were severed from the Terms.

Full Agreement. These Terms, as amended from time to time, constitute the entire agreement between you and Alievo™ with respect to your use of the Sites.

Effective Date and Updates. The Terms are currently in effect and may be changed without notice by Alievo™ at any time. Unless otherwise specified by us, your continued use of the Sites following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms. It is your responsibility to review these Terms and Conditions regularly. If you object to the changes, you must stop using our Sites. The most current version of the Terms will be maintained on our Sites.

Contact Us. If you have any questions about these Terms, please email us at [email protected].